+852 - 2155 8000


+852 - 2155 8000



DBTRONIX – Degausser hardware (Entry Level)


The DBX-DD01 is newest and most innovative product in the garner line of degausser. The DBX-DD01 erases hard drive and high coercivity tape media including all formats of LTO, Super DLT, AIT, DLT, 3590 series, 8mm and more, all without any adapters. With a continuous duty rating (no cooling necessary) quiet operation and a 60 second cycle time, the DD01 can fit right on a desktop.

The DBX-DD01 unique technology does not rely on software and thus easily and efficiently erases failed or damaged hard drives and tapes, completely and permanently, regardless of the operating system. With a 60 second erasure cycle, this unit is more efficient and much faster than software-based erasure programs.

Product Details

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